
Coronavirus has exploded in the United States in the last couple of weeks. We have been flooded with so much information that it’s hard to separate fact from fiction at this point. Unfortunately, not everyone will survive this pandemic. Now more than ever having life insurance coverage is important. Even though seniors with pre-existing conditions […]

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The Box

My parents separated when I was approximately 13 years of age. Overnight we went from a two parent household to a one parent household. I watched my mother struggle to make ends meet to provide for myself and my five sisters. It was no easy feat. There were times when she would run out of […]

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Congrats, You’re A New Mom!!

“Congratulations.   You’re a new mom. All of a sudden it’s not just about you anymore.” A baby changes everything. Even though the average woman gets about nine months to prepare to give birth, nothing prepares you for the almost instantaneous life shift. Overnight you go from controlling everything in your life from your schedule to […]

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